Thursday 7 January 2016



I stared at the locked door. It was large, wooden and unpainted. A dusty light ran down from the window on my left. Seething, I stood for the hundredth time today and stumbled to the door. Still locked. I should’ve known. Who said they had the right to do this to me? How dare they?!

Knock. Knock.

My ears shocked at the first thing I’d heard in hours.

Knock. Knock.

It repeated.

Knock. Knock.

It was so rhythmic, so precise. Who could it possibly be?

“If you’re afraid they’re long gone…all of them.” Came a husky masculine voice from behind the door. I froze and felt a shiver creep up my spine.

“Can’t speak?”

“Wh…who…are…you?” I stuttered. It shocked me that I could not speak. I had not been in here for too long. I should not be having problems.

“My name is Aron and I am here to get you out of there.”

“Why should-“

“I promise I’ll keep my word, but you have to have complete faith in me. Now, for heaven’s sake, open the damn door!”

I hesitated, listening to him whistling outside of the door. He was definitely human. I inhaled deeply and slowly wobbled over to my bedside table, pulling out the key from its top draw. I clutched the doorknob with what little strength I had and opened the door. I was instantly met with the sight of a young man. Definitely human. He had a messy poof of bronze hair that hung ever so slightly over his left eye. His eyes. That was what got me. They were a shade only comparable to that of the ocean at daybreak, only comparable to that of the morning sky.

 “Hello?” I quickly jumped back to my senses.

“H-“ I opened my mouth to speak, but I could not. I don’t know if it was out of sheer nervousness or that I genuinely couldn’t. I just didn’t.

He was one of the servant boys. I’d never really spoken to any of them, only seen them around the palace. Why would my parents send him to fetch me?

“Are you OK?” he asked in genuine concern.

I nodded, peering over his shoulder to try and catch a glimpse of my parents. I saw a patch of the royal cape and, just as quick, the servant boy moved to cover it.

“I demand to see my parents!” I yelled.

“They...” he cleared his throat. “um…”

Enough of this! I shoved past him, despite his resistance, and ran straight down the corridor. That was when I came face to face with the disheveled corpses of my parents. I collapsed onto my knees and bawled. The servant boy ran up to me and tried to pat me or something of the sort, but I slapped his hand away.

“I know you’re grieving right now, but I have something very important to tell you.”

“What could be more important than this?”

“Your parents told me that if they did not survive the battle against the Griebons then I should take you somewhere safe.”

“Why you?”

“I am not just a mere servant boy. I am a Helbon.”

“A what?”

“A Helbon. We live at peace with your people. The king and queen were the only two that knew that we are here.”

“How does that help me and where is this ‘safe place’?”

“Follow me.” He gestured towards the side of the corridor and a frame began to burn its way through the wall. The wall melted and a spiralling staircase was revealed. “After you.” He grinned. Helbon, did he say? Interesting.

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